Taking the Stress Out of Your Environment
Posted by Doug Gardner on 22nd Jul 2014
Since the dawn of industrialization and the rise of the modern workplace, the effects of psychological stress from a job have been well documented. A great part of that stress can actually arise from the environment in which one works. While there is much to be said for one’s sense of accomplishment while on the job, there’s also a lot of truth in having the right surroundings for the right state of mind.
There are many workplaces which have done away with the gray “cubicle farm” approach to office design entirely, much to the psychological benefit for their employees. Other offices have gone a step further, and added features that are both relaxing and mentally focusing as well.
Managing stress in the workplace can provide:
- Reduced amount of disability time.
- An increase in quality of work overall.
- A decrease in work absences
- A decrease in reported headaches and prescription drug usage.
De-stressing your office environment isn’t just a morale-booster; in many cases, it’s good for your budget and your employee turnover rate as well. Here are a few areas of office design where improvements can be made to reduce overall stress levels and increase the quality of your office’s performance.
Among the popular options, water features are a commonly selected and easily installed solution to break up the visual monotony of an office space. Small wall fountains behind glass, or water signs with the company logo or all productive ways to reflect an office environment which is both clean and aesthetically pleasing. Most importantly, water features in an office environment provide a connection to the very basic elements of nature.
Did you know that plants inside of the office can also cut down on dust levels, noise, and stress? Indoor plants can enhance the visual quality and image of your building, improve air quality, and make visitors feel more at ease when they visit. When office workers complain about their environments, one of the top complaints that are recorded is that there simply is not enough green plantlife in the space. Office plants are easy to maintain, as there are many which have medium to low natural light requirements, and they can also provide a sense of vitality, which is crucial for any business to maintain.
Natural Sunlight
The benefits of natural sunlight are numerous. Sunlight helps the body to regulate energy levels, hormones, melatonin production, vitamin D production, and much more. Sunlight can elevate the mood, and keep everyone focused on the task at hand. While natural sunlight isn’t possible in all areas of the office, it is always good to analyze when and how you can let the sun in. Not only will your workers feel generally more positive and energized, but natural sunlight can help you to cut down on your utility costs throughout the year.
Combining all of these destressing environmental solutions can produce some phenomenal results. Water features, plants, and natural sunlight can all come together to make your office much more inviting, productive, and lively, all of which provide both present and long term benefits for your business.